What is Indoor air quality? Indoor air quality is the condition of the air you are breathing inside of your home. Most of us are thinking that the air in our home is pretty clean. Believe it or not, the air within your home is more polluted than the air outside of your home. Without even knowing, indoor air pollutants called Volatile organic compounds also called VOCs are traceable in our homes. These VOC’s are introduced into our homes by normal cleaning products, hand sanitizers, and even things like furniture. The pollutants in the air that you and your family are breathing can be reduced or eliminated by installing one of our quality indoor air products. There are several indoor air quality products that Angelle’s Affordable AC and Heating can install to help clean the air you are breathing. They are deep pleated filters, Air Scrubber systems and HALO LED air purifier systems.
Without even knowing, indoor air pollutants called Volatile organic compounds also called VOCs are traceable in our homes.
These products can take VOC’s out of the air that sometimes causes health problems like allergies, headaches, and nausea. Often pollutants are present in your home, but, air quality products can clean the air you are breathing.